Monday Memo

Hi Five Oakers: Here are the questions and comments from the weekend Communication Cards:

Dry River

//Praise for the commitment and faithful service of all the leaders staff and behind the scenes people who serve at Five Oaks. Blessings upon each of you!  [Thank you! So many people make things happen in our church and so many are behind the scenes serving faithfully.]

//The Elijah story of saving the boy was one of my childhood favorites. Great message! To speak truth in love, so relevant.

//Wonderful music!

//The worship team instrumental was fantastic, always is, but really particularly good today. Love the Hammond organ and drums. Guitars were just really good. Jonathan, you’re accompaniment prayer. I love how Henry has been weaving the cross/SOG/communion into the end of the message. Wonderfully constructed/impactful message! Great closing set. Amen.

//Thank you for today’s message. God’s tests are to help me know myself. He already knows me. His tests are always ‘open book’ tests.

//Wow Tim – very powerful when you memorize and share a passage like that!  [You're not kidding!]

//Nice hair cut Dan! Oh and nice worship sets all thru.

//God is my provider – thanks be to God!

//Great opening – Dan pours out his heart in the song. Tim’s memorized reading was very powerful. I love this church!

//Nice job Nate and Legend!

//Loved your message, Henry!

//Good message, Henry. Whenever I hear/read/think about giving of my abundance, I like to consider all aspects of abundance – financial and other (talents, love, time, etc.). Thanks.

//Is there a way to just receive communication cards without all the other paper? We get the announcements online. [Communication is hard and to have any chance to succeed has to build in all kinds of redundancies. I wish there was a way to streamline this and save paper, but we're not aware of any way to do it and still get the word out.]

//Suggestion to have slow and quiet music without singing the first five minutes while we take the third worship/communion. It’s a time to meditate. People need to quiet their heart. Thank you for your consideration.  [Thanks for your suggestion.]

And here's a comment we received back on the card we send to first-time guests:

// Great worship!  Interesting sermons!  The response stations are a wonderful idea, however, not sure about breaking the bread?  Why not use crackers? [I'm very glad you have enjoyed the services. If you get a chance, send me an email to help me understand your question. I'm not sure why you would suggest crackers over bread.]

Blessings, Pastor Henry