Lightning Round
Most weeks, at our staff check-in, we share what's happening in ministry during our lightning round. Here are a few things shared on Tuesday:
// Due to a miscount, we found ourselves behind on our goal when we went into the last Feed Event session. Fortunately, the last session was staffed by our students and they saved the day. One group of students completed the second most amount of boxes ever at Five Oaks: 40! The next best ever is around 32 boxes. Way to go, students! Way to go everyone.
// That begs the question: What is the record? 45. As I understand it, that group actually practiced in a garage and each person worked on particular role. And they didn't have any children on their team. Pretty amazing.
// The Galatians series daily devotional, written by our Group Life team, have arrived.
// 12 people signed up to go through the worship ministries open house (ministry tour).
// Kari Ennulat (First Impressions Director) will be conducting a First Impressions Ministry "voluntour" this weekend after the first service on Sunday. No need to sign up; just show up.