One More Thing
Hi Five Oakers, The weekend’s coming and there are a few things I don’t want you to miss:
The Weekend
Donald Miller, one of my favorite authors, kicked up a bit of a blog storm by saying he doesn't attend church services much anymore. He explains that he's not an audible learner and he doesn't connect with God through singing, so why go. I may or may not talk about this in my sermon this weekend, but I will speak to the idea that gathering for worship with a local expression of the body of Christ (his bride) is a low priority for followers of Christ.
Links You Might Like
// Here's the post by Donald Miller (who, incidentally, I will still love to read): "I Don’t Worship God by Singing. I Connect With Him Elsewhere." And here's a response to the comments on his blog: "Why I Don’t Go to Church Very Often, a Follow Up Blog."
// "5 Ways People Pleasing Can Undercut Your Parenting"
One More Thing
We have two more weeks in the Worship series. Next week is about worship and our spiritual formation. The last week of the series will explore the four movements of our worship service and how they reflect important elements of worship.
What's next? A four-week series on Elijah and then a 13-week series on Galatians. What's exciting is that our Group Life team has been writing all the studies ahead of time and we will publish the Group Life Galatians' study as a book.