Monday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, A great book is being made into a movie--Unbroken. It's an incredible true story of redemption in Christ, but I don't know how much that aspect of the story all be told.

Here are most of the comments from the Communication Cards:

  • I’ve been searching for a good new church since I moved back. I hope this is it. I have finally felt connected to God again through the service. I haven’t felt this since my last church... [Great meeting you at 10 Minute Connect!]
  • Great message and worship! We truly miss being at Five Oaks each week.  Scott & Kerri Kent [Wonderful to see you, Scott!]
  • Your sermon was a great reminder that even though I may not want to go “someplace” it is what I actually need to do. Each week I come to worship I still feel like I’m outside my comfort zone so I know I’m still growing in faith by coming here. Thank you.
  • Great, fun, worship set. The words, tunes, harmonies and accompaniments were fantastic. Fun to love God by singing praises to Him. Thanks for the message to remind us why we do what we do in worship each week to practice gathered what we will do when we are scattered. Wow, fantastic worship set.
  • Loved the hymns! Loved the communion.
  • Henry and Five Oaks Team – thank you for having the courage to give us what we need and not what we ask for (what we say/think we need). In this world, even the church can be motivated to please people – to increase numbers (# people attending) – to rate and judge success based on worldly measures. Thank you for having a mission truly focused on God’s word. For being a team which holds each other accountable to this mission. I know this isn’t always easy. Get over myself.
  • Words, escape me on how to describe the awesome worship today, dear God!

Blessings, Pastor Henry