Monday Memo
Hi Five Oakers, I have a few things I want share with you today:
// If you missed the weekend services, you may not have heard the FOR [ ] Campaign Total. The goal was $1.6 million. Current total: $1,756,463!!! We’re celebrating. Our congregation is clearly engaged in our local and global mission. I can’t wait to see what God will be doing in the next few years. Thank you all for listening!
// Here’s a selection from your comments, observations and questions from the weekend Communication Cards.
- Great job Nathan! [I agree. Nathan also planned the music for the service.]
- Thank you for the gentle worship time. I so needed that today. Great word picture of God being in our room. I am in a very tough “room”. God is with me, but it’s so hard. So thankful for faithful family and friends.
- Powerful, truthful, life changing sermon. Bless you Pastor Henry for all you do for us!
- Just blessed by the season!
- Excellent sermon Henry! You really spoke to my heart!
- Acoustic worship: well done. Awesome. More superlatives. Loved it. (Good job.)
- Love the music! Would love for more acoustic Sunday’s. Great hymns.
- God as a means to an end vs. The End is really profound. My nugget for the week.
- Praise God for Henry’s message!
- The music last week was especially amazing. The guy with the big hair is really good.
- This really helps me speak to my friend that believes we should all expect physical healing now. Awesome, I heard God speak today!
- The music today was particularly INSPIRATIONAL.
- I enjoyed acoustic set. Love the simple reverent worship. Really set the mood. Readied the spirit for the message. Even more Christmas music.
- Loved the acoustic service. Henry the message was so clear and illustrative. Loved the application to our lives.
- Deb Carr and team – beautiful job on the Christmas décor. Well done! Pastor Henry, thank you for this weekend’s message. It’s just what we needed to hear.
- Wow, loved the music! Nathan did an amazing job on those perfect old hymns. Love the banjo.
- Appreciate the quiet drawing us to God’s presence. Able to adore in the quiet then the bustle of the season.
- No living nativity this year? [No One Starry Night this year.]
- More Christmas music please. Good message.
- More traditional Christmas songs please.
Thanks for all your comments.
Pastor Henry