Lightning Round
Tuesday is the all-staff lunch day and we do a lightning round on what’s happening in different ministries. Here are some highlights:
- The campaign total will be announced this weekend.
- The Five Oaks Christmas CD is just about done.
- Jeni Carlson has a new blog for Family Ministries. Check it out here.
- This weekend worship will be an acoustic weekend.
- We’ve got a new post card invite strategy for Christmas.
- 12 kids made first time decisions a week ago during Cross the Line of Faith weekend!!!
- The fall session of Village Schools of the Bible is complete. On to the New Testament for the Winter/Spring session.
- The Thanksgiving bag total is went up to 586.
- We now have 15 matched Kids Hope mentors at Woodbury Elementary.
- The Peru mission trip is full.
- Haiti has about 10 so far.
- One of Impact team leaders is working on a scholarship for one of the orphans from our orphanage in Haiti in conjunction with Teen Challenge Haiti.
- Brian Burquest met with reps from the assisted living development which is breaking ground in the spring and will go in behind the new grocery store that’s going in at Radio and Bailey.
- The Communications team is working on a long-term plan to reach out to everyone within a five-mile radius of our campus.
- As many as 6 new people are joining the worship team in various capacities.
- The youth winter all-nighter is coming between Christmas and Easter. They spend the evening in the building and do projects for the church as part of the evening.