Wednesday Memo

Hi Five Oakers, Here's the sermon from last weekend in 10 tweets: "FOR [ His Only ] – God’s Commitment, Our Commitment (John 3:16; 6:34-44):


  1. “God gave his only Son”…THAT’S commitment.
  2. Most of what God wants to do in you and through you for his kingdom requires you to make a commitment & then show up.
  3. The first time, it was a decision born in ignorance. The second time, I made a commitment when I got on the chairlift.
  4. Most people do little for God because they miss the secret of making a commitment & then showing up.
  5. There are no accidental disciples.
  6. Want God to multiply your resources & efforts? He will. But first you need to commit your loaves and fish.
  7. Your commitment to God will never match his commitment to you. But his commitment to your makes your commitment to him possible.
  8. It's less about setting out and more about giving over.
  9. Give over your dreams, hopes and plans for his.
  10. I’m glad that when God asked Abraham to leave his father and homeland, no one he respected was saying, “Noooooooooo!”

Blessings, Pastor Henry