Monday Memo
Hi Five Oakers, I have a few things I want share with you today:
Here’s the video from the weekend. Thanks, Melissa, for sharing your story. Ken, maybe your story will need to be next. All I know it’s great seeing you guys and those you’ve invited taking up entire row so often!
[FOR] - Melissa Gangi from Five Oaks on Vimeo.
Here are most of your comments, observations and questions from the weekend Communication Cards.
- Awesome worship. Great music. Thank you for the wonderful heart preparation. [Amen! Very worshipful. Great job team.]
- Dan, I really liked the “pre-opening” song! It really grounded me in worship for the evening.
- Thank you, Lord, for the sweet blessing of Libby’s voice. Voice of an angel.
- Amazing Grace and Chris Tomlin’s version of it always brings tears to my eyes because the words say it all so well, so poignantly, so true. Thanks! Loved the opening song too. Moving message and closing set.
- Great Amazing Grace.
- Thank you Jonathan! Melissa Gang
- Thank you for your example Henry. Powerful message on the gift we have to be able to participate in God’s plans!
- I like Amazing Grace song. God, thank you for Five Oaks Church and how it has touched me. Bless Five Oaks Church. Amen.
Thanks for all your comments.
Blessings, Pastor Henry