Mid-Week Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

There are several things I want to share with you today.

#1 – We’re looking for a few more folks to help at Dorothy Day on Saturday, 9:30am – 1:20 pm, to make lunch for hungry people. A few of the volunteers had to drop out and we’re short. Let me know if you can make it.

#2 - Get a recap of the weekend services with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.

#3 –  The “To Raise a Family” series starts this weekend. For a while I was really apprehensive about it. After all, I’ve asked you to invite, invite, invite. That puts extra pressure on me. The pressure is still there, but your prayers are taking effect. I’m very excited about how God is leading in the preparation for this week’s sermon. Keep praying and keep inviting and let’s see what God does this weekend.

#3 – As part of this series, we will be selling copies of The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name at a reduced price, $5. We’re making up the difference in the true cost because we want to get this into the hands of as many families with young kids as possible. It’s a remarkable children’s Bible that ties all the stories of the Bible to Jesus and his redemption.

Jesus-Story-Book-Bible Jesus-Storybook-Bible-Sample

#4 – We launch our campaign series right after the family series. You’ll be hearing a lot more about it in the next couple of weeks, but we’re working like mad behind the scenes to get ready for it. Here’s what you’ll be hearing from me. While this campaign is for buying the land adjoined to our property to the south, a campaign at Five Oaks is first and foremost about spiritual growth. If you grow spiritually during this campaign and don’t give a penny to the land, we win. So my request to you is to join us on the journey we’re launching the last weekend of September. Please, don’t miss out on what God can and will do in your life during this campaign. If you’ve had a bad campaign experience at another church, don’t let that distract from what God wants to do in you now at Five Oaks. And you can be certain about this: your openness and anticipation for God working in you will be contagious. When your heart beats strong for God, others hear it. You can help others grow by dedicating yourself to grow. Join us for this journey

#5 – It was great having Warren Coe preach this last weekend. Contact the office if you want to take on the challenge of attending the new semester of the Village Schools of the Bible. Warren is a remarkable teacher, and, as I’ve said before, this class is like The Story of God on steroids.

#6 – Here are most of your comments from the Communication Cards:

  • Henry, sorry that we missed seeing you, Lois and perhaps Larry. Great to experience worship and the work that God is blessing you with.  Larry & Dot Rowe [Bummer!!! Larry and I were on staff together for many years in Wichita. I learned he likes to eat peanuts in the middle of the night when we roomed together on a staff retreat in Colorado. I thought a raccoon had gotten into our room. Wonder if he still does that.]
  • Tree House looks awesome! [I hope everyone has a chance to get down there and look at it. It’s fantastic!]
  • Ladies – “Jesus Son of God” was amazing, thank you for sharing your gifts. 
  • Awesome message today! 
  • Wonderful morning of worship! The truth that some of God’s promises may not come now but at some future time, yet they will be generous and overflowing was a very timely reminder for me. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. 
  • Beautiful, beautiful opening set. Our worship continues to get deeper and better year after year. Worship team keep humble as you are seeking God’s heart. Thanks for all you do week in and week out. Tim, you and Henry do such a great job explaining our service. Warren excellent message. Thank you! “Oh Happy Day!”
  • There wasn’t anyone by prayer station tonight – bummer. [Holiday weekends can be challenging volunteer-wise. Sorry.]

See you this weekend. Keep praying Colossians 4:4 for me.

Blessings to all of you, Pastor Henry