Mid-Week Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
There are several things I want to share with you today.
#1 – Get a recap of the Easter service with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.
#2 – Some of you noticed the signs last weekend about Radio Drive closing soon. We’ll be sending out information about that very soon. We knew work was coming and that the plan was to only close the road when a new tunnel was built and Hargis Parkway would serve as a detour. The plans changed on both fronts and no one informed us. They admit it was an oversight and have agreed to put up a sign or two south of us informing traffic that the road is open up to the church. It’s very disappointing and troublesome for us that the road coming from the north is going to be closed for 8 weeks, but the city’s reasoning is sound. We will have to make due. The detour is Woodlane to Military to Radio. We will post maps on our website and inform people on our phone message.
#3 – Here are your comments/questions from the Communication Cards:
- Thanks Dan and folks for a really nice worship set. Loved talk about Jesus being at the center of our lives. Henry this series in Luke has been fantastic and transformative for my family. Thanks for the great message prayer card idea. Thanks also for challenging and exciting us about this next series. Great closing song!
- Savior King – powerful truth in the lyrics.
- Great opening set! We love you Dan. Great response set! Concert quality!
- Music good. Solo great. Last song. Started a little rough rhythm, hard to follow at first.
- My Savior King – beautiful. Thanks for great leadership of worship, Dan! So moving! Loved it!
- I miss Justin.
- Liked last song. Okay Henry, will do!
- Great message Henry! Thank you!
- Just wanted to thank you for the Men’s Ministry. It is a wonderful ministry!
- Henry, thank you for the way you bring the scriptures alive in my life!
- What are we doing when the road is closed! That message was so great!
- With the blocking off of Radio Dr. will there be an alternate route to get to Five Oaks? [See #2 above.]
- You missed an important part of our mission – vs. 24:49. We are indeed with power from the Holy Spirit. [You must have been writing this note while I was talking about it. Ha, ha. Actually, I only called attention to it but did not expound.]
- As a visitor, I was sad there were no musical notes to read as we sang, so I didn’t sing. No hymnals?!
- I had a light bulb moment today… realizing that I’ve always known I’m custom-made and not cookie-cutter made! It will help me go forth better today!
- What a wonderful custom-designed personal message and challenge. In search of a mission. A great small group study topic, too – which is coming!
#4 – In case you weren’t here when we played this in the service, this is a video that will be featured in our new website and you can use to introduce people to Five Oaks.
#5 – It’s the last weekend for the silent auction! Some great stuff there and a great cause. Don’t miss it.
#6 – Sign-ups for small groups continue this weekend.
#7 – Loving our new Story of God group. Great discussion last night. I keep learning something new each time I do this. And it was so great to hear from some of the folks what had motivated them to do it. One person shared that I had said SOG is a great thing to do if you’re searching for hope and she’s needing some hope right now. God’s story, a better understanding of his character and a better understanding of his Word brings joy. No doubt about it!
#8 - Here’s the sermon in 10 Tweets, week one of “The Mission of God” series, “It’s all Part of the Plan” (Luke 24:13-52):
- God doesn't custom-make a mission for you like you do for your kids when they're bored. He does something infinitely better.
- 2 disciples headed out of Jerusalem on the day he was to rise in Jerusalem. Even after hearing he's alive! They're walking away from hope
- Jesus gives them room to talk. We’re surrounded by people walking away from hope. Walk with them. Give them room to talk.
- Jesus shows them from the Bible that the whole Bible points to him, his death and his resurrection.
- He reveals to the disciples through the Word & breaking of bread.
- There's no better way to introduce people to Christ than getting them into the story of God in his Word.
- Chester: Their eyes are opened around the table because the Scriptures were opened to them on the road.
- Jesus adds one more element in the upper room. The whole Bible is not just about him; it's also about the continuing mission through us.
- The apostles never repeat the Great Commission from Jesus but they continually recall the Great Commission from the OT.
- Your mission isn’t custom-made for you; you are custom-made for God’s mission.
#9 – Here’s the comment we received back from the cards we send first-time guests:
3/31 - Easter – it was a very nice service. Enjoyed meeting all of you. Thank you.
See you all on the weekend!
God bless you, Pastor Henry