Financial Peace U Results

Here's a note I received from Will Stanfest. Will taught the course with CarrieAnn, his wife.

Hey Henry,

Figured I'd give you a recap of this year's Financial Peace class. Palm Sunday was our graduation party and final lesson. This year we used the new 9 week class format, and it was a hit. The new videos are very well done, with interesting in-class 'case studies' that help apply the principles learned in real world situations.

FPU for January of 2013 by the numbers:
61 people signed up for the class
8 families attended (at least a few lessons) from outside our church

Over the 9 weeks of the class, the 17 families in attendance at graduation were able to pay off just over $165,000 in non-mortgage debt, and were able to put over $167,000 into savings! That's a total improvement of over $332,000!

Absolutely incredible!

These families were all amazing, and deserve a ton of credit for the hard work put in to make the changes needed to secure their financial future.

I really love this class because it teaches the tools each of us need to manage the money God has entrusted us with. With these tools we can use it in a way that honors Him, and blesses those around us.

Thanks again for supporting FPU at Five Oaks, and have a blessed week!


Congratulations to all who attended and made this kind of dent in their finances! Thank you Will and CarrieAnn.