Thursday Memo

Hi Five Oakers,

There are several things I want to share with you today.

#1 – Guys, remember the Courageous event? Were you inspired and equipped? There’s another great event coming to Five Oaks on Saturday, the day before the Super Bowl (that’s February 2). Take a look at this video and then get the details here.

#2 – Get a recap of the service with highlights of our prayers, readings and songs here.

#3 - One of my favorite parts of our services is the final movement--Sending. You can make it a prayer for the week by going to the service recap page and scrolling down to the benediction.

#4 – How about a "recap" of last year’s finances. We finished in the black by about $100,000! You responded to God’s grace by giving generously, which resulted in a year of great ministry at Five Oaks and over $150,000 going to global and local missions work. You were blessed and you became a blessing. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving.

#5 – Here are your comments from the Communication Cards last weekend:

  • Great message, Tim! Loved worship, Dan! Especially “Come Thou Fount”!, beautiful! 
  • Beautiful worship. 
  • Enjoyed listening to the gentleman sing “Come Thou Fount”. Thank you. 
  • Thanks for the hymns! Powerful! 
  • Tim, thank you for your message today. It was very impactful, thank you for speaking the truth authoritatively and with conviction. I’ll be hoping for pinkeye for you! LOL. Dan, thanks for leading worship, great! [If you missed the message and what Tim said about pinkeye, check it out here.]
  • Tim, thanks for telling us what we need to hear, not just what we want to hear. Keep bringing the truth my brother.
  • Wonderful sermon Tim – so much to think about. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Loved the music! 
  • Wow, Tim, your preaching just keeps getting better and better since I first heard you years ago. You seldom refer to notes, spoke with passion and authority, and the message was very well organized and easy to follow. Great job! [It's so great to take a weekend off and see comments like this. I love Tim's preaching and I agree, he just keeps getting better and better as a communicator. We are so blessed to have Tim at Five Oaks. Lois and I enjoyed worshiping with the congregation at Redeemer Bible Church in Minnetonka.]
  • Wonderful – soloists – wow! Great job! 
  • Great new opening song! Great preparatory “Before the Throne of God”. 
  • Terrific worship sets, loved the songs! Nice job Dan and gang! Tim nice job explaining stations. Tim loved the message, especially the intro. I too love to pick (scabs, skin, etc.). Don’t know that I ever wished for pink eye crust! Tim that was an inspiring message – thank you. Thanks worship team for another great week. Fantastic crescendo to closing prayer on “Lord of All”. 
  • We miss Justin but Lukas knocks it out of the park! The worship band tonight is outstanding! Could be louder. 
  • Great worship. Thank you! 
  • Thanks for the hymn – reminds us we are free from sin, but not yet freed from sinning. That will be a great day! 
  • Thanks for playing “Come Thou Fount” – love it. 
  • Welcome to worship team, Mark Visness. Nice job!

#6 – This week’s passage in Luke is on the second coming. Every wonder why people who predict the date of the coming of Christ always predict it within their own lifetime? We’ll consider that and a whole lot more.

Blessings to you, Pastor Henry