A Great Outreach Opportunity

I know that in most people's minds, the Story of God small group experience we offer three times a year is for believers. But I want you to think about how impactful this can be to the not-yet-Christians you know who have some curiosity about the Bible and are searching for something to fill the spiritual void in their lives.The Alpha Course, for example, is mostly about discipleship topics (e.g., how to pray, basic theology, how to read the Bible) and goes longer than our Story of God experience, but it is one most effective evangelistic programs in the church worldwide. It works because Christians bring their not-yet-Christian friends. The Story of God can have the same impact. Think also of the intensity of study required to participate in Bible Study Fellowship. Again, tons of people from non-evangelical churches participate and discover God's grace through BSF. One friend told me she leads in that ministry so she can evangelize.

I'll be leading a new Story of God small group experience this January. Is there someone far from God you can invite to join you in the experience? Would it be worth doing it again if you could see your friend come to faith in Christ?