Thursday Memo
Hi Five Oakers,
I have a few things I want to share with you.
#1- I hope you've been to the Miles4Meals site and checked up on Jerry and his team. They've broken $20,000 in fund raising! We'd love to reach the $110,000 goal so we can extend our March Feed Event. Get the word out. You might even want to see if your company offers matching funds to Feed My Starving Children.
#2- What do a mandolin, upright bass, banjo, acoustic guitar, drums and fiddle have in common? They'll all be used in this weekend's worship. We'll be doing some of our regular songs with a bluegrass flair as well as a hymn or two.
#3- We have a new station this weekend. Lois has been requesting this one for a couple of years. It was built by our own Larry and Cathy Taylor and Ken and Deb Carr. Check it out here.
#4- We're looking at Luke 18:9-14 this coming weekend--the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Great passage, but it creates a dilemma. The Pharisee prays, "Thank you God that I'm not like that tax collector." He's pompous and prideful. Here's the dilemma. How do we take this parable in and not end up pompous and prideful as we pray, "Thank you God that I'm not like that Pharisee?" The answer to that question is crucially important to our souls. We'll be exploring that question this weekend.
Blessing to you, Pastor Henry