The Weekends...and so much more
I have nine things I want to share with you today...
#1 - It was so much fun teaching on "The Despised Samaritan" on the weekend and celebrating how God is using YOU to impact our world for Christ in our communities! If you missed it, at least go and listen 23:07 minutes into the message audio of "The Hole in Our Gospel." Here are a couple of comments from the Communication Cards:
- "Iām tearing up listening to all the ways our Five Oaks friends are making a difference."
- "Thanks to everyone for all you do to make our church such a great place."
#2 - We need to make more room on Sunday mornings by moving some of you to Saturday nights. We're going to be talking more about this, but if you can move now it would be super helpful. Please don't move if your kids are connecting with their class and teacher on Sunday morning. Choosing to attend at the same time every week is vitally important for your kids.
#3 - 340. That's how many tables you filled with food for hurting people this Thanksgiving. Think about how many people that impacts. Wow! I think that's a Five Oaks record.
#4 - 153. That's how many "One Starry Night" tickets have gone out already...before making our big push! The start of a new Five Oaks Christmas tradition.
#5 - Woodbury Elementary is the school we're partnering with for mentoring (Kids Hope USA). Just got the go-ahead from the school this week. Lots of folks already signed up for training. What a great video this past weekend telling one story of one mentor with one child.
#6 - My message this weekend on Luke 10:38-42 focuses on "The One Thing." We're doing something very different for staging. Come and see.
#7 - We launch our 4-week series on Luke 1-2, "Vintage Christmas," starting right after Thanksgiving. It's about recovering wonder and awe in the events of the first Christmas that transcend our own circumstances, changed history and transform our lives.
#8 - We had nine kids in The Retreat ministry on Sunday! And more people are signing up to help.
#9 - Can't wait for Encounter tonight! Our small group is meeting for a meal and Bible study and ending in time for the evening of worship.
I'm so blessed to be your pastor. You simply blow me away.