The Weekend
- Started "First Things First" series last weekend with a message on five mistakes disciples make based on Luke 9:27-56). I said the last point was going to be powerful: What you think God thinks of you will determine almost everything in your life. Do you see disappointment on God's face or adoration? After the service someone told me that one hit him right between the eyes.
- Some Com Card comments on the service: "[Replacing] faith w/formulas and fighting the wrong enemy points really hit home with me" - "Thank you for the [point] about loving people who might hold other political views than our own. As a pro-life democrat, I always feel like fellow church members are not welcoming of democrats." - "Thanks for awesome worship Justin..."
- Handed out 3x5 cards and asked everyone to write down any ministry they've done in the last couple of months for people outside of Five Oaks. Just wait until you see the size of the stack in two weekends!
- People really hung around in the Commons after services this weekend. That's normal, but it seemed like more than usual. A lot of buzz in the building.
- The Christmas CD has gone to the guy who will mix it all (he's the drummer from the Crowder Band).
- I'm very excited about a new Five Oaks Christmas tradition starting in December: "One Starry Night: A Family Christmas Experience." It will be very good this year, but I think this is going to grow in intensity and quality each year. Music by the Fusion Band, live animals, drama...all throughout our Commons. More info coming soon.
- This weekend's message is on Luke 9:57-10:24. Lots of ground to cover. I recently read the book on Starbucks' comeback by its founder. He talked about trying to regain Starbucks' coffee authority. Come find out three ways to lose your missional authority. One of them is to proclaim an optional Jesus. Who would do that? Some of you who are reading this right now! Come and see.
- Met a young family from Madison during 10-Minute Connect. Went to Blackhawk there (love that church). They miss the town and the church. I wanted to tell them about how great the Twin Cities are and the fun places they will get to discover...but I didn't get a chance. I hope they end up at Five Oaks so I can finish the conversation.
- Next Monday and Tuesday our Staff Leadership Team is going to go write a script in a two-day off-site meeting. I'll tell you more about that next week.