Weekend Messages: From Believer/Seeker to Gospel Saturation

(This is one in a series of posts I started here.)

Again, I don't want to make too much of this contrast. It's subtle, but I've gone from thinking of my messages and our worship services as targeting believes but seeker sensitive to simply being services that are saturated with the gospel. The idea is that people far from God and followers of Christ have the same need--the Gospel.

The person far from God needs to understand and receive the Gospel message. But the follower of Christ needs the Gospel every day and needs to go deeper and deeper into the reality and meaning of the Gospel. As Tim Keller is fond of saying, the Gospel is the not the A,B,C's of Christianity; it's the A to Z.

So the clearer we are when we explain and teach and illustrate how the Bible story (whatever part we're studying on any given week) relates to Christ and the Gospel, the greater the likelihood that people far from God will draw nearer and those who follow Christ will go deeper.