The Story of God Small Group Experience
Lois and leading a small group Wednesday evenings for seven weeks starting April 27, 7:00 - 8:30pm. It’s called “The Story of God” and it's designed to help you get more out of the Bible by understanding how the Bible fits together. It’s an amazing experience that has been tested with our whole congregation and valued both by people who are new to the Bible and those who have been studying it for years. Here’s what people at Five Oaks said about it:
I’ve never considered myself to be a religious person, but this helped me to understand God and his message. I’m now ready to let Him be a part of my life.
I have been studying the Bible for more than 40 years. This helped me to see better than ever how the Old Testament taught about Jesus' death and resurrection, how everything fit together.
This was probably the single-most influential series I have ever been a part of. It made me excited! I actually have a clear picture of the Bible and clearer picture of God and his love for me. I’m finally able to understand the chronology of the Bible. I can explain the whole Bible better and in a very simplified way. I had no idea how the Bible was (is) knitted together. This series provided a sense of clarity and understanding of the fundamentals.
Seeing how everything fits together is very meaningful and has given me a greater hunger for the Scriptures.
I could include dozens of comments like these that I've received. The Story of God has been one of the most impacting things I've ever taught.
The cost is $15 per household. If you want to register, click here.
Want more information? Read on.
What if I don't know anything about the Bible?
The method used in the small group (the "story-formed way") is built around oral story telling and the discussions focus exclusively on the stories. No additional Bible information is allowed! Everyone is on the same plane, interacting with the story of the night and the stories covered in previous nights. The homework (see below) assumes little to no knowledge of the Bible.
I've been studying the Bible all my life. Will it be too basic for me?
Seminary graduates and pastors, after experiencing something like this, often comment that this was a missing link in their Bible education. This is an exercise in biblical theology. If you have had a good dose of biblical theology and you know the redemptive storyline of the Bible from start to finish, it may be too basic for you.
Is there homework involved?
Yes. About half hour per day. If you're not ready to make an investment of this daily time, you should wait and take it later. But remember, "that day when life isn't going to be as busy" will never come. If you think this will have a significant spiritual impact on your life, dive in now. I know you won't regret it.
What if I miss a session or two?
If you know you will likely miss more than two of the sessions because of other commitments, it would be better to wait for another time. But if you miss one or two, you'll simply have a little extra homework that week.
If you have any other questions, shoot me an email at