Resources for Daniel 7-12

I concluded the Daniel series this week with chapter 6. If you would like to delve into the remaining chapters of Daniel, chapters 7-12, I want to recommend a couple of resources. Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church in Vista, CA, gives an excellent overview of chapters 7-12 and how to approach them. These chapters, filled with apocalyptic images, are important but often abused and misunderstood. Larry does a good job of orienting the listener. You can listen online and see his outline here. To download this message from iTunes go here

If you want to go deeper into these chapters, I highly recommend a series of messages given by Iain Duguid (pronounced 'do-good'). You can access them here. Start with "The Triumph of the Son of Man" and work your way up the page to "How Long Will I be Broken." You will learn and be greatly encouraged in your faith by listening to these messages. You can read these messages by purchasing his commentary on Daniel, which is more a series of sermons than a tradition commentary. I highly recommend it. 

In a couple of days I'll post on why I concluded with Daniel 6.