The Book of Daniel

Great launch to the new series last weekend thanks to Chris Brown from North Coast Church in southern California. North Coast is one of the leaders in the multi-site movement. Their lead pastor is Larry Osborne who is one of my favorite authors and preaching pastors. Larry facilitates the K-Club pastor's gathering I go to every year. I highly recommend his book Spirituality for the Rest of Us: A Down-to-earth Guide to Knowing God (formerly titled A Contrarian's Guide to Knowing God). It's one of the best books I've read on spiritual growth. My boys both read it and loved it too. One of our small groups did a study of it a couple of years ago.

Every time I say or think of the book of Daniel, I think of that Denzel movie, The Book of Eli. I haven't seen it, but it looks fascinating. Very apocalyptic, much like Daniel.

This week we cover Daniel 2 and I'm very excited about something I'm doing in that message that I've never done before. I'll fill you in on that tomorrow.