Our Incredible Church Family

As most of you know, Five Oaks hosted a funeral this past weekend with more than 500 people in attendance. One of our office staff members is close to the family who lost their son and she and her whole family has been ministering to them. Tim Bubar officiated. I came, but I had to official role. But what I saw blew me away. It also made a deep impression on the family who lost their son and others in attendance.

What I saw were a whole bunch of Five Oakers helping all over the place with "volunteer" badges on. It was no less than the amount of people that make things happen here every weekend, but most were involved without even knowing the family. Even the caterer was amazed at all the help they received, especially given that this family has never attended Five Oaks. One of our members even volunteered to line up people to do a thousand bars and cookies...with two days notice! I was also proud to see one of our high schoolers giving the eulogy for his best friend, and really doing a great job in very hard, tragic circumstances.

We have an incredible church family. Please keep praying for this family and their deep loss. God bless you all.