Growing Faith...Growing Prayer Life

I've probably not had a more faith growing experience than hearing your stories of how God is working through your prayers for your list of 10 and for the "It Would Take a Miracle..." series. And not just hearing your stories but seeing God at work through my prayers. The stories have been going out in my twice a week emails to the 377 of you who committed to pray for up to 10 people and invite at least one to the series. There's hardly anything more encouraging to prayer and faith than seeing God answer prayer.

And we will be praying at Leadership Community on Saturday at 9:00 a.m. In addition to the usual fun stuff we do in that first hour, we'll also be doing a concert of prayer. People loved this last year, and I know it will have impact on our dream of reaching our friends and family with Christ's love and of reaching more people for Christ in December than any other month in our church's ministry. Please come, even if you're not a leader. Come to pray.

In addition to some of usual fun stuff at Leadership Community this week, the focus of the first hour will be on a concert of prayer for the Miracle series. God has already been doing some miraculous things in the lives of those we've been praying for as you can see in the emails I've been sending to the 377 of you who are part of the "tribe." I know it h