Doing...Not Doing
I got another question on a Communication Card this week that others may have.
Question: What is the money goal of the financial campaign? How does it breakdown?
Answer: This financial "campaign" runs through January 31, 2010. The goal is $120,000.
- $40,000 goes to the Feed event in March. That will cover 250,000 meals. We'd like to surpass last year's production, but this money will provide the base, equal to last year's event.
- $70,000 goes to sound, lighting and video for both campuses. Our weekends are our most effective outreach ministry by far, in addition to being the main gathering of our congregation. In growing churches, the members consider it to be the most important hour of the week in their community. We have some significant issues and this will address only some of those issues, but it will make a big dent in them. About $15,000 of that money is focused exclusively on Hudson and we're challenging them to meet to raise $20,000 to meet those needs and contribute to the Feed event proportionately.
- Then $10K is going to a computerized check-in system for Children's ministry that will also be used for other events and for weekly check-in in the youth department (for their weekly large group meetings).
With these goals met, we want to spend another $70,000 from our cash reserves to address some other issues like the broken concrete out front (a temporary fix), the church sign by the street (really expensive, we're estimating $30,000), office computers (our newest desktop was bought in 2001!) and parking lot resurfacing.
In spite of all of that, here's what we're not doing for now:
- A big fix on the front of the building (taking out the half driveway, a new canopy/entrance, fixing the concrete, and possibly expanding the office space).
- The rest of the acoustical improvements that have been recommended for the Woodbury campus. We're only implementing what our consultants said would improve sound by 40%. But maybe 40% is enough! We'll see.