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You can down load Gary Haugen's book, Just Courage, by going to christianaudio. They give a free download every month. Haugen spoke at the '08 Leadership Summit and heads up the International Justice Mission. Here's a description of the book and some of endorsements.
International Justice Mission president Haugen has found that "the pathway out of a nearly comatose state of boredom, ineffectiveness and triviality lies in the struggle for justice." This book describes how to break out of a ho-hum Christian life and see God's powerful and mysterious ways at work.
"Gary Haugen explores what it means to really care about those who suffer--and it isn't necessarily the path we might expect. We tend to think of soup kitchens and painting buildings as ways to express our compassion for those in need, but Gary makes a convincing argument that fighting for justice on behalf of the poor is a powerful, effective way to make a long-term difference in their lives. Don't miss this book!" -- Kay Warren, executive director, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Saddleback Church
"I dare you to read Gary Haugen without growing a bigger vision of God. He is a prophet in our day calling us to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God." -- John Ortberg, pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, and author of When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box
"Just Courage is a life-changing book. Gary Haugen's echo of God's call to a life of significance and adventure is irresistible. He places the fight for justice right where the Bible does: square in the middle of Christian discipleship. Every follower of Jesus should read this book and take action on behalf of a world that 'waits, groaning' for us to bring hope, love and rescue." -- Lynne and Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community Church