First-time Guest Comments
Here are the latest comments we got from the cards that we send to first-time guests:
- I definitely will be back. It was a very comfortable atmosphere, and I could really feel the love of Christ. Thanks again, and I will see you again soon.
- Because of the theatre location, the “church” is dark. More time is needed to get a sense of family and connections would be hard to make. The music is loud! So…too dark and too loud.
- I prayed a lot about what I would say about the worship. I could give opinion, but I don’t want it to be about me. Really, when I prayed I felt like God was saying passion. I think that sums it all up, just passion. I wouldn’t care if it was a cappella and they were off key. But passion and the Holy Spirit would make it life changing. (P.S. I love the messages every Sunday!)
- I love E-Free churches. The teaching was excellent, the people were kind and welcoming. Here is a bit of feedback. I had a hard time with the location. It was dark – a difficult switch – in how I envision a worship service to feel and look. Also – the worship team did a wonderful time – but I had a hard time with how loud the music was. This is probably the one reason I would have a hard time connecting at the church. I think that there are many others out there who would probably enjoy the “un-churchy” atmosphere and louder music though. God bless Five Oaks!!