Overheard...at VBS

Here are some stories from VBS from Children's Director, Jeni Carlson:

  • One 4th grader complained to her mom about coming to VBS.  “Mom, it will be 5 days of Sunday school in a row.  How boring!”  Despite the protests from the daughter, Mom insisted she come.  After the first day, the daughter was thrilled.  “Mom, that was the best!  I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!
  • One child prepared his crocodile t-shirt, clean underwear, socks, and shorts each night for the next morning of vbs.  At 6 a.m., he was dressed and ready to get to the dock!
  • A student volunteer, struggling to find her way, was encouraged by one of the adult station leaders.  The adult warmly expressed her appreciation in the student’s assistance during the classtime with the kids.  “You are very good with the kids,”  The leader stated.  It made an impact in the student’s life, giving her a renewed sense of the gifts God blessed her with.
  • The team of volunteer directors poured hour after hour into putting the week of vacation bible school into place….from arranging schedules, to building crews of children, to accepting last minute volunteers.  With anticipation, they watched day one unfold.  It went off without a hitch and problems that arose were quickly solved.  Not enough glue?  Check the closet.  Need more name tags, visit guest services.  A bloody knee, go to the nurse.  It was amazing!  They sat back and soaked in the week, watching it unfold around them.
  • A child who is more reserved about sharing his faith, came forward during God Sightings to share how he’d seen God at work in his life, at home, and away from the Dock.  “I earn points when I help others and I couldn’t wait to get home to earn some more after seeing how God is at work in my life.” He said.
  • We brought the infant and toddler groups in each day for our Firefly Finale.  They were huddled together right in front, where they could see the singers leading and watch the motions they were teaching.  One of the toddler’s Moms asked me for a CD so that her toddler could continue to do the motions to the “I Will Not Be Afraid” theme song.  “It’s the only motions she can do and she keeps doing them.”  Flashing me a brilliant smile, the toddler looked up at me as I happily gave the mom a CD.
  • I gave more away in leading the directors, I prayed more, and I trusted more, and I listened more and I continue to hear how VBS impacted the lives of our kids and their friends.  God met us that week and I am so honored and grateful to be a part of this extraordinary event.