
I must admit I have not been able to understand the nature of the question when people have said, "Group Life isn't deep enough"...until a few weeks ago. How can an inductive method (that means, you are not spoon fed but you have to dig to discover meaning) not be deep enough. My usual response has been, "It's as deep as you want to or are able to take it."

Then I had a conversation with one of our small group leaders. Someone in his group told him Group Life wasn't deep enough. So he asked this small group member a very important question that I've never thought to ask: "Do you prepare before you come to group?" The answer was, "No." Of course not. And of course! Duh. The light all of a sudden went on for me.

A guided inductive Bible study can't go deep enough if the first time you look at the questions is at your small group study time. Why? Because the questions require digging in, thinking time and reflection. When you're studying it in a group, it moves too fast for that. It moves at the speed of those who have prepared ahead of time or just know a bit more than your average person.

But what happens when everybody comes prepared? You've gone deep on your own, you've heard from God through his Word (if you went in listening), and now you have the added value of other people's insights. That's a powerful combination. It takes more work, but nothing of value happens without hard work.

That's why the new norm for small groups at Five Oaks is to come prepared. Do the daily study or, at the very least, do it all at once before coming to the group. And don't forget to listen!