Staff Leadership Team Retreat
Every year the staff leadership team retreats to work on the strategic plan for the coming year. This year we had the help of Wayne Whitney, who facilitated the retreat. There's no comparison between when I run the retreat and when we have an outside facilitator. So much better with a facilitator.
Wayne added some interesting twists. He brought in a local Free Church pastor from that area to pray for us and share from Scripture to help us kick off. Very inspiring and set the tone for the next few days. We also went to a really cool youth building in Rice Lake called the Soul Garage for a team building session that was a highlight of the week.
Another wrinkle this year was having the REVEAL results...good hard data. We also had the marching orders of the Governing Board and Elders who met off-site to study the REVEAL results and set priorities for me and the staff. We're still working on the plan and you will find out the results because the key initiatives will be all-church related. We'll have it all done by mid-summer and launch in September in our new ministry year.
Unfortunately, Deb Johnson didn't get in any of the pictures (she took most of them). :-(