Day Nine: 21-Day Easter Challenge
Love the humor in today's passage when the formerly blind man asks the Pharisees why they keep asking the same question. Are they wanting to become disciples too?
I'm reading The Prodigal God by Tim Keller. It's based on the parable of the "Prodigal Son" in Luke 15, but the book focuses a lot on the elder brother who did everything "right" and was so offended by the younger brother and by the father's grace toward him.
You see this syndrome in this passage as the Pharisees can't understand why God would even bother with this man who, in their perspective, what so steeped in sin that he would be born blind. Yet they are the most blind. The elder brother was, in many ways, the farthest from the father because he couldn't accept his need for the father's grace. He felt the father owed him something. How many times do I think God owes me something?
Here's a portion of my prayer email from today: