Date Night A Great Success!

MN1 MN2 MN3 Jeni Carlson, who oversees our Date Night ministry, wrote this report:

We had over 100 kids and over 100 adults last night!

The movie tickets were gone within 15 minutes.  Kent O'Grady's small group
was amazing.  In addition, two single mom's served with us as well as
several other people. 

The night went very smoothly.  The kids were happy, the workers great and
when the parents returned, they were thankful. We even broke out the popcorn
machine for the older kids.  And our mess wasn't nearly as crazy as when
Henry's group served......hmmmmmm.....

Comments I heard from the movie was that it was really good.  One mom gave me
a hug with tears in her eyes.

It was a success!