One More Big Rock
You may have noticed the absence of a recent big rock on my big rock post--filling the outreach director position with Dana's departure in October to go plant a church in Virginia. It was just recently added to my list of top priorities. And I'm glad to announce that Five Oaks member Jerry Meras will be serving as interim Outreach Director for the next few months until we bring in the long-term staff member to fill that role.
The best part of all this is that now we have two Cubans on staff. Okay, that's not really the best part, but what are the odds of that?
I look forward to telling you more about Jerry in the coming weeks, but for now I just want you to know that Dana and I are very excited that he has agreed to this role. He will start next week so that Dana can orient him to all the ins and outs of this ministry before he leaves. That's four weeks of orientation! We are blessed.