The Wrong Question (Repeat Post from May)
I've been asking the wrong question. Where do we go next to start a new campus? How do we determine where to go? Do we develop a team to decide? How much study, prayer and fasting? How and where. Not the right questions.
The right question is a who question. Who will lead the charge for the next campus? That's the right question for Five Oaks as far as I can tell. I had no peace with the other questions, but with this question, everything falls into place. This question makes clear what we have to do next and what I need to do in particular.
The who question...
- Starts with prayer. Just like Jesus before choosing the disciples spent the night in prayer.
- Clarifies my role (and that of other Five Oaks leaders). I must be about equipping leaders. And equipping leaders is about evangelizing, discipling and mentoring. I can't just be on the lookout for leaders; I have to be equipping them.
- Clarifies the process. I'll write more on this later, but I see us using a more organic process in most of our future launches, although some will resemble our Hudson launch.
Who will lead the charge? Who will be the next campus pastor? I don't know who it is, but the next campus pastor is almost surely already in our congregation. In fact, I suspect the next five or six are. Some are not yet believers and are waiting for a Five Oaker to walk across the room to them, praying that God create the opening to bring Christ into the conversation. Some may be in college or seminary right now wondering what's next. Is it you?