I can't think of anything I'm doing right now in ministry that has more potential for spiritual and missional long-term impact than what we're doing every Friday at 6:00 a.m. in the Commons. Twenty-six guys in seven small groups for twenty-five weeks. Lois is doing the same thing with two women from our small group.
We're all using Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ by Greg Ogden. Everyone completes the study before attending and then we spend time in small groups discussing what we've learned and talking about our lives in Christ. Every study has a Core Idea, Memory Verses, Bible Study, a Reading, Questions on the Reading.
A life on mission begins and is sustained by personal life transformation. This study digs deeply into the major topics every disciple needs for personal transformation and life mission. Here are the topics that are covered:
Part One: Growing Up in Christ
1 - Making Disciples
2 - Being a Disciple
3 - Quiet Time
4 - Bible Study
5 - Prayer
6 - Worship
Part Two: Understanding the Message of Christ
7 - The Three-Person God
8 - Made in God's Image
9 - Sin
10 - Grace
11 - Redemption
12 - Justification
13 - Adoption
Part Three: Becoming Like Christ
14 - Filled with the Holy Spirit
15 - Fruit of the Holy Spirit
16 - Trust
17 - Love
18 - Justice
19 - Witness
Part Four: Serving Christ
20 - The Church
21 - Ministry Gifts
22 - Spiritual Warfare
23 - Walking in Obedience
24 - Sharing the Wealth
Bonus Section
25 - Money