Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
Great event a couple of weekends ago. We can't do what we do without all the people who serve in ministry here at Five Oaks. This was about celebration, inspiration and fun. I think we accomplished them all. Our Staff Leadership Team came up with this top ten list for the occasion. In case you missed it, here it is:
Top 10 Signs You’re Burning Out as a Five Oaks Volunteer
10. Your children begin to weep when you tell them you need to “run up to church for a few minutes.”
9. The U.S. Postal service now forwards all your mail to your church mailbox.
8. You greet people at your front door with a hand shake and “welcome to Five Oaks church.”
7. You call up the Woodbury Bulletin newspaper and tell them the correct term is Woodbury worship program, the school gym is the CLC, and the Bird sanctuary is the bird worship center
6. You think the middle east peace plan was drawn up by Rick Warren.
5. Four Words: Five Oaks Business Cards.
4. You’ve been to church every weekend this year, but still haven’t made it into the worship service.
3. You introduce yourself as, “Anita Manning – Bin Babe”.
2. You’ve included Intelligent Lights in your home décor plan.
1. You think fluorescent reflective tape would be a nice addition to a sport coat.