I want to be that guy or that church
Have you ever asked someone about how they got well grounded in excited about their faith? Where were they inspired and where did they learn to be a spiritual leader? When I ask people that question, they often point back to a youth pastor or campus ministry or a parachurch ministry like Bible Study Fellowship. One of my dreams is that more and more people answer, "At Five Oaks," or, "My friend Henry, took some time to help mentor me in my faith." I want to be that church or that guy people refer to because that's what the church is to be about...helping people bring Christ to everyday life. That happens best one person at a time. People who multiply themselves in others.
That's why I'm launching the Discipleship Essentials for Men next month. The women have a mentoring program and pretty intensive Bible study on Wednesday mornings and Tuesday nights. These ministries supplement the small group experience and study. The Discipleship Essentials initiative is a great chance for men to grow deeper in their faith.
Speaking of men growing deeper, BSF will study Moses all of next year, and Mark Porter (Five Oaks member and BSF's leader in Woodbury) says that this one is the favorite of most men who do BSF. It's about being a leader and man of God. That's another special challenge that would be worth taking on, guys.