Ministry of Jesus
We had about 10 new small group leaders go through our initial training/orientation last night. Both campuses were represented. The orientation goes over some nuts and bolts, but more than anything it establishes the vision and heart of our small groups ministry.
Leading a small group about doing the ministry of Jesus who gathered a small group of disciples and discipled them by being with them, teaching them, sending them, serving hurting people, creating community in his group and praying for them and with them.
Our small group leaders are at the core of what we do to bring lives to Christ and Christ to everyday life. Their model is Jesus. Their mission is to disciple, create community and lead in mission. They're not alone. They have their coaches. They have the momentum of a church formed around and focused on small groups. They have training. They have their group members (it's a team sport), especially the help of their PEACE Leaders and the partnership coordinators to fuel and supply their mission outside the group. They have the promised presence of Jesus and the power of the Spirit in their lives. And they have the joy of seeing lives changed and having a role in that.
I haven't led a small group leader orientation in a few years and I had a blast. I can't wait for the next one. In fact, I've decided to put the staff leadership team through a refresher, so it will come soon.