Communicating Better in Marriage
This summer, 39 couples from Five Oaks took an online couple check-up to see how they are doing in their relationship. Each couple got immediate and direct feedback on how they're doing in seven relationship areas and exercises for improvement. We also received a report of how the 39 couples did overall. The report can be downloaded here. Download FiveOaksGroupSummary.pdf For a quick summary, see page 4 of the report.
I explained at the time that we would offer something this fall in response to the results. And since the highest growth area turned out to be in the area of communication and conflict resolution, we're offering a six-week seminar starting this weekend at the Woodbury Campus (Sunday morning during the second service). The class is called Love Talk. What makes this class particularly helpful is the couple exercises to be done between class sessions. I think you'll also find the seminar leaders and DVD portions to be very engaging.
If a Hudson Campus small group would like to offer this in their small group time after the 40 Days are over, let me know. Why not offer it on a Sunday morning? Basically, because we can't do that as long as we have only one service. We don't want people to miss the service for a seminar. We don't offer it at other times at this point because of childcare issues and space. And we don't want seminars to compete with small groups. That's always been our philosophy of ministry and Sunday morning seminars are new and only supplemental to our ministry. But the small groups are a great place to offer some of these seminars and the materials are designed for small groups use. Once we go to two services in Hudson, we will begin to offer Sunday morning seminars.