Managing Your Finances

We're launching a new course in September (at the Woodbury Campus) on Sundays starting September 9, 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. Steve Johnson will be teaching the course called Managing Our Finances God’s Way. It's a 7-week, video-based study that will inspire you to live debt-free and/or manage your finances in a way that enables you to respond to God’s calling on your life.

Each week includes a 20-minute video lesson on the subject of biblical financial management. Lesson topics include (click here to see a sample video teaching):

  • The Big Picture - Rick Warren
  • Dedicate it All to God - Chip Ingram
  • Plan Your Spending - Ron Blue
  • Giving as an Act of Worship - Chip Ingram
  • Saving and Investing - Ron Blue
  • God’s Solution to Debt - Howard Dayton
  • Enjoy What God Has Given You - Chuck Bentley

Participants in the study do not share financial information with each other, but keep each other accountable to do the work and to follow through with their personal commitments.

The cost is $20 per family unit and you can register on your Communication Card starting this weekend. If you want more information or want to register, email me or the church or sign on your Com Card.