Balanced Meal
Here is a list of the message series I've done in the last ten and a half years here at Five Oaks. It's strange to look back like this and see where we've been. One of the things I like to do is see if we're getting a good balanced meal, hitting all the arenas of life as learn from the Bible: personal, family, small group, church, vocation, society, world. Overall, I think we've done well. One of the things I want to do in the coming months is more series that focus on one book of the Bible or section from a book. Romans 8 (my favorite chapter) and Acts are coming this fall. The working title for Romans 8, the series I'll start on our launch weekend, is iGod. Romans 8 is the content, iGod is the "packaging" that helps connect to life and create an opportunity to get someone's attention who we want to invite.
001 - The Profile of Christ Follower - 7 Commitments
002 - Contagious Church (1-2 Thessalonians)
003 - Winning at Work without Losing at Love
004 - Finding Financial Freedom
005 - Becoming a Person of Influence (Nehemiah)
006 - Dated Jekll, Married Hyde
007 - Prayer That Moves God (Lord's Prayer)
008 - Building Character Qualities that Endure
009 - WWJD (Sermon on the Mount)
010 - Parental Guidance Suggested
011 - Encountering God (Worship)
012 - Increasing Your Adversity Quotient (Joseph)
013 - Exploring Real Christianity (Romans)
014 - Making Relationships Work (Fruit of the Spirit)
015 - Church Matters (Acts)
016 - Right From Wrong - Moral Choices (10 Commandments)
017 - Money Rules
018 - The Bible Jesus Read
019 - Building an Unshakable Love
020 - Smart Living
021 - Tough Questions
022 - Mission Possible (James 1)
023 - Esther
024 - Transforming Marriage
025 - Essential Skills for Spiritual Survivors
026 - Knowing Jesus
027 - My Heart...Christ's Home
028 - Compassion Lessons
029 - Growing through the Emotions
030 - Daniel
031 - Stress Factor
032 -
033 - Experiencing God's Presence
034 - Grounded for Life (Parenting)
035 - Speaking of Jesus
036 - 7 Things People Hate About Christians
037 - Run the Race - Philippians
038 - Making the Move (Leaving Lake Jr. High)
039 - Beyond Morality
040 - The Bible Challenge
041 - Unlocking the Bible Story 1
042 - Taking Care of Business
043 - Unlocking the Bible Story 2
044 - Grounded for Life (Part 2)
045 - Unlocking the Bible Story 3
046 - The Six Loves of a Healthy Marriages
047 - Unlocking the Bible Story 4
048 - Unlocking the Bible Story 5
049 - Unlocking the Bible Story 6
050 - Serving Lessons - Family Month
051 - Christmas at the Movies
051 - Unlocking the Bible Story 7
052 - Christmas at the Movies
053 - Everyday...Forever
054 - Jesus Wants to Know
055 - What on earth am I here for
056 - You Were Planned for God's Pleasure
057 - You Were Formed for God's Family
058 - You Were Created to Become Like Christ
059 - Small Groups Vision Message
060 - You Were Shaped for Serving God
061 - You Were Made for Mission
062 - Christmas in Narnia
063 - 24 (Revelation)
064 - The Naked Truth about Sex
065 - Espresso Yourself
066 - Lost (Post-resurrection Appearances)
067 - DaVinci
068 - Superheroes
069 - Prayer - Can You Hear Me Now (Lord's Prayer)
070 - Family Channel
071 - Go
072 - OT Rewind
073 - No Perfect People Allowed
074 - U 2 Can Rock the World
075 - The Office
076 - Epic
077 - Theology for Dummies (Ephesians)
078 - Parental Guidance Required