Lousy Weather, Great Hike

I'm at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center about 45 minutes due east of San Diego on Highway 8. I make an annual trek here after K-Club to work, hike, pray, retreat, read... Since I'm going on vacation just before Easter, my top priority is to get my Easter message done, so that's what I did all day yesterday. I'm making progress, but I feel like I only got two false starts. Lots written, but not sure I can use it. It's progress, though. It just goes that way sometimes.

I was hoping for a good hike yesterday as a break, but it stormed here. Got my hike in this morning and it was delicious. Can't include pictures because I'm at the Pine Valley library on one of their computers. No wireless at the camp.

Heading in to San Diego today to have lunch with a good friend of mine who pastors a church here, then hope to do some walking on the boardwalk at Pacific Beach or some roaming around at the La Jolla beaches (if it doesn't rain). I'd love it if some sun came out, even for a few minutes, but it's not necessary.

One of the things I've done while on this trip is listen to my four-hour coaching session at CCL. They gave us a digital recorder to keep and listening has reminded me of some of the insights from the session I had forgotten. I didn't take many notes with the idea that I would listen to it later.

Also been working through certain sections of a Ken Blanchard book, Leading at a Higher Level, that pertain to my CCL goal, some research on the next series after Epic, more reviewing of my CCL materials and some really good times or prayer and journaling and listening. Had a really nice time sharing faith stories with Fritz Dale over supper the last night of K-Club. As usual, a great and productive time for this annual trip. Fritz is on the executive team of the EFCA. Head back home tomorrow.