Wilberforce Review

We're doing a Wilberforce weekend and Wilberforce study as part of the U2CanRocktheWorld series. (You can look up my previous post called "Wilberforce Weekend.") Here's a post from Mark Batterson on his screening of the movie:

Just screened Amazing Grace at Ebenezers--the story of William Wilberforce and the abolition of the slave trade in England. Can't possibly put into words how this movie moved me. I held back tears seven times and felt goose bumps three times. That's my measure of a good movie!

Movies leave an impression. Here was my impression--it renewed my faith in the fact that one person can change the course of history. I think we all believed that as kids. But at some point most of us lose faith in ourselves. Or more accurately, we lose faith in God in us!

We're going to encourage every NCCer to go see the movie.

I love the Michelangelo motto: criticize by creating. I'd rather celebrate what's right than criticize what's wrong. The church needs to rally around this movie!