Painful Farewells

Miniature_golfingIt's hard to see great friends move, isn't it? Steve, Lynn, Andrew and Larissa are moving to Kansas. First time I met Steve I was the one living in Kansas and interviewing for the position here at Five Oaks. Steve was chair of the board and one of several quality people who drew us to Five Oaks.

Steve was single at the time, and we were co-leaders of a small group for years. Steve was also the director of our small groups ministry for several years as a volunteer. Lois and Beth Dalton conspired to get Lynn and Steve together (with their permission) and the rest is history.

Not being in the small group and they starting a family while we were launching ours out has kept us from spending as much time together in recent years. As they leave I feel sad and regretful about that. But life is like that. My love for them, admiration and appreciation is just as strong. I will miss them. Our church will miss them. And a church in Kansas is in for a treat. God bless you guys!