Everyday...Forever--Finishing Strong

As we enter the third and final year of our Everyday...Forever Campaign, we're asking new folks and those who were not able to participate in the past to prayerfully consider making a pledge to the final year of the campaign. We won't turn away any additional pledges from any who are already participating. :)

All new and additional pledges will be applied as follows:

  • 5% (up to $5000): Supplies for AIDS Care Giver Kits from World Vision. This will be a hands-on small group event when we assemble the kits.
  • 15% (up to $15,000): Help the John and Katie Kriesel family.  John and Katie are part of the Five Oaks church family, and John recently lost both legs in a roadside bomb while serving in our military in Iraq.  Funds will help them build a handicapped accessible home.
  • The remainder of funds raised will focus on the Hudson campus. If the start-up needs for that campus are met in this campaign, any additional funds will go into debt reduction on the Woodbury Campus.