What You Should Care About in the Voting Booth

Okay, now I want to tell you what you should care about when you enter the voting booth. It's not that politicians are actually on the front lines on most of these issues, but their actions certainly have an impact on them:*

  • pursuing the well-being of marriages and families
  • protecting religious freedom and liberty of conscience
  • promoting the sanctity of human life
  • seeking justice and compassion for the poor and vulnerable
  • protecting human rights
  • seeking peace and working to restrain violence
  • caring for God's creation
  • pursuing racial justice

That's a good start, I think. The notation below will lead you to the biblical basis for each of these issues and a whole lot more.

*This list is adapted from "For the Health of the Nations: An Evangelical Call to Civic Responsibility," a position paper produced by the National Association of Evangelicals in 2004.