Ted Haggard
I've really been at a loss for words regarding Ted Haggard, former president of the National Association of Evangelicals and former pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I'm not trying to distance myself when I say that Ted Haggard isn't one of the people I've looked to for leadership, vision and ideas. Probably because he comes from a slightly different theological tradition than mine. But it still hit me hard in the gut.
About twenty years ago one of my "heroes" admitted to an adulterous affair. He was president of World Vision at the time. Before that he pastored of one of the few evangelical mega-churches in New England. He was known, among other things, as a marriage expert. My wife and I admired him and his wife, and we attended a workshop on marriage at our seminary. His admission floored us. He took years away from vocational ministry and submitted to a long-term and rigorous restoration process. He's retired from pastoral ministry now, but he's still a prolific writer and speaker, so Christianity Today asked him to comment on the Ted Haggard situation in his regular ezine column. Since I'm at a loss for words, I'll link you to his. I appreciate very much his insight and reflections:
Gordon MacDonald, "When a Leader Implodes."