Story of God Series Stats

We took a survey on the last week of the series and here's what you reported to me.

  • 63% took in every scene of The Story of God in one way or another (through the messages, the small group or the reading guide).
  • 50% took in every message in way or another (on the weekend or via the internet).
  • 26% have or will complete the 40-Day Journey Reading Guide.

I'll be promoting the Reading Guide again in the fall or new year to give people a chance to experience it. I really think that piece is the key to getting the framework down for how the Bible is organized and how it communicates the Story of God. Yes, it's challenging, but it is much less challenging than reading the whole Bible in a year (it pales in comparison). I just need to set up appropriate expectations better next time. And I don't think stretching it out longer is a good idea because it makes it harder to get the framework. It becomes too focused on the trees and misses the forest.

I'll be posting the comments for the rest of the week. You will be blessed by them. There were literally hundreds of great comments and I can't include them all. Some shared personal information on how the series is impacting them in their life situation. I won't include these, but they blessed me in a big way.

God's Story and Ours

I like what Michael Lawrence says about God's story and ours in Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church. He says that rather than treating the Bible as life's little answer book, we need to see it as...

"...the grand story that gives our stories meaning. This means that the vision we need comes...from a prayerful habit of mind that refuses to understand Today according to the terms of the cultural narratives at hand--the narragives of progress, ethnicity, and accumulation, to name a few. Instead, Today is defined in light of the biblical story. That story increasingly defines who we are, where we've come from, and where we're going. As a result, that story tells us what we should be doing and thinking and feeling Today."