I didn't want to go
The invitation was for a two-hour prayer meeting…on Zoom!
It was for the lead pastors in our district.
I didn’t want to go. And I couldn’t understand why it had to be that long. At least give me a reason why I should consider joining a Zoom prayer meeting that goes for that long when I have so many other opportunities for prayer (I even had one on my calendar for that evening for our Together Campaign).
No good reason to attend was forthcoming, so I pretty much put off the decision.
…until I got a text from our superintendent: “Hi Henry, just checking if you registered for the NCD lead pastors prayer gathering (on Zoom), January 9th (11 am-1 pm). We would love to have you join us to start the year in prayer together (but no guilt, brother, if you can't make it). “
I know that tactic…and it works. I signed up.
Now I only had to figure out a legit reason for an early exit.
As soon as it started, I had one: a bad headache from an eye infection. (Yes, I’m on an antibiotic.) I took some Ibuprofen, but the relief didn’t kick in for close to an hour.
Then something weird happened. My eye area was still throbbing in pain, but while others were praying, I started meditating on the words I’d be preaching on this weekend: “For to me, to live is Christ…” (Philippians 1:21).
I soon forgot about everything else I had to do, and the time flew by. I still can’t believe we were on that Zoom call for two hours.
And it actually primed me for engaging at a deeper level at the Together campaign prayer meeting that evening. It was an awesome time and different in several ways from every other prayer meeting I’ve attended.
I’m still going to talk to our superintendent next time I see him. They did an awesome job leading us in prayer, but they can do better at promoting it. It might save him from having to send out a bunch of texts.
Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash