Prayert and Lament

Like many of you, I spent Saturday evening switching between channels and checking my news feed to see if anything more could be known about the shooting in PA. As of this morning, there are still so many unknowns about the shooter, his motives, and a million other questions regarding this assignation attempt on President Trump.

All questions aside, let’s pray for the other people injured in the shooting and the family and friends of the man who was killed in the crowd as they grieve his loss. Let’s give thanks that President Trump was not killed or badly injured and that more were not hurt. And let’s pray for our nation, that more political violence will not break out and for law enforcement to root out any other plans others might have.

This is also a time when we can lament before God not only the deep political divisions in our country at this time but also the violence experienced by millions in abusive relationships, under corrupt leadership in communities and nations, and through wars and acts of terror all around the world.