This is Us

We are the church, whether we are gathered or scattered--each one of us, a part of the body of Christ, wherever we go, whatever we do.

So, where can you find us, and what are we doing?

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Last Friday’s Date Night was a great success all around thanks to 32 volunteers who pulled off a great evening for 122 kids while their parents enjoyed a date. The kids had games, crafts, gym time, movies, and even the escape room! One of the kids told his parents, “I’m sure I had a better time than you could have had.” One guy shared with me that this simple evening out with his wife had recalibrated his vision for being a dedicated husband and dad for Christ. Other stories similar to that were shared with our staff and volunteers. See the video of the evening below or go HERE.

This is Us

We are the church, whether we are gathered or scattered--each one of us, a part of the body of Christ, wherever we go, whatever we do.

So, where can you find us, and what are we doing?

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A couple of weekends ago was the IF:Gathering, where hundreds of thousands of women around the globe gathered in churches and in homes to be inspired and challenged in being disciple-makers. Pictured here is Kelsey Vang, one of our host homes for the IF:Gathering 2019 (sh'e’s holding the baby boy). Our church wants to continually see more and more great female leaders who make disciples. The IF:Gathering is one of the best partnerships with our womenʼs ministry. Our womenʼs ministry is about connecting in a disconnected world and then helping the connected become disciples who make disciples..