Children's Choir Video

Jeremy LaCroix taped it and posted it on YouTube. Here it is, but remember, the sound was mixed for the room, not the video. Still, you can hear the kids really well. You can see Saturday's service first, then Sunday's at 9:30 a.m. follows. To watch this at it's highest quality, go to YouTube and click on the higher quality link at the bottom right of the video.

All Kinds of Stuff

I need to get to bed. I'm tired. But I feel the urge to jot down a bunch of stuff before I do. It's been a great day. Lois and I must have said that about three times this evening. What a great day.

  • It's my oldest son's birthday today and he turned 21. Happy birthday Henry Michael. He's working as a counselor at Kamp Kanakuk near Branson, so he won't be reading this, but I just want to say that I miss him today.
  • We had our annual small group trip to Selma's for ice cream in Afton. I love Afton. I hope it never changes. Quiet little town on the river, big hills, forests...and bordering Woodbury. For several years now we include a crochet tournament. More in another post. But so much fun.
  • Beth Dalton is home from Japan for part of the summer and we and the Sharpes swung by their house on the way back from Afton. I've always loved Beth and Hector, but our time with them in Japan really bonded my heart to them in a special way.
  • We saw some old college friends at a graduation party in Lino Lakes this afternoon. We're all getting old! But what a life.
  • I got a chance to talk to Dana's son Josh who is in seminary out east at Casey's grad party. (By the way, Casey was chosen to give the senior speech at gradution at Park. Congratulations Casey!) Very unique seminary that Josh is attending. Talking to him ook me back to those days: no money, very old cars, making so many great and lifelong friends...and all of it a blast! Next time he's in town I'd like to take him to some of my favorite bookstores in the area. He'll love it. I offered and hope he takes me up on it.
  • Cut my overly long sermon even more this morning and I loved the results. Last night was the prophetic version and it'll be on the video podcast. This morning was the pastoral version and I think we'll be able to use that one for the audio podcast. Talking to some of the worship arts folks it hit me that I said "vomit" about five times in the prophetic version and "puke" about once in the pastoral version.
  • Loved the faith story and the ministry moment today. We had no choice but to do both on the same weekend, even though it gave us some timing fits. We wanted Cindy to talk about the benefit Thursday before it actually happened and we had Steve in for this weekend only. Sorry to all the children's workers. I was able, though, to give Jeni a heads up before the service.
  • Was able to pray on more than one occasion with some folks who are really hurting but who are relying on God and experiencing his ministry in incredible ways (directly in their spirits and through the body of Christ at Five Oaks). Our church is making a difference in our world and right here at home.

Lois and I really needed a day like today. It felt good. Still feels good. So with that I'll say "goodnight."